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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Note: This week's Zuma Blitz board is "Life's a Beach" (it was supposed to be last week's board) and its respective page is on this link: Life's a Beach. I will post a picture update of the board and an updated strat when I have the time to do so, as I currently have several school projects that I need to finish on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Improv in the Banquet

An improv at the Circle K End of Year Banquet. You're given a few minutes to prepare, however, but as for the results...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The 5K Walk/Run

124E. Run and complete a marathon (at least 5K). (Goal Completed)

The runners at the starting line.

The goal description is incorrect as it's supposed to refer to a run/walk event that's at least 5 kilometers in length.

DNT (Delta Nu Tau) held their first annual 5K Oral Cancer Walk today, so I decided to try it out.

Without any training, I unfortunately slowed to a walk over half the time, but managed to complete it in 48 minutes 26 seconds. It was the first time that I did this.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vindictus Companion Cube

I actually find this surprising and funny as an April Fool's Joke. The companion cube is a reference to the game Portal. Given that Vindictus uses the Source Engine, which was developed by Valve Corporation, who made Portal... it makes sense.

(Note that although I haven't played Portal at the time the post was made, I later played (and completed) it when it became free from Sept 17-20, 2011.)

Zuma Blitz Playthrough: 10 Million

If a computer played Zuma Blitz, it'll probably play something like this. Adapted from Liang's strategy of double gaps, this game pulls off over 80 of them, half which are double gaps.

(Idea from a comment on Club Mojo)

In reality: You need 1 minute and 20 seconds of extra time MINIMUM provided you set up a two-ball width double gap and don't make any mistakes in between. This is actually quite hard to do without the beetle, since the game does not pump out time balls as fast as the video does in recent versions of the game.

Disclaimer: This is a tool assisted run. It is solely for entertainment purposes and proof that 10 million is indeed possible in a game.

Update: A player has actually achieved 10 million with this board type but it took around 2 minutes extra time.

Fun Fact It took 20 takes and a bit over 100k mojo to get lucky with the board layout to get this score.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mouth of Madness, Revisited

When you're level 80, you can top 1200k easily. Why 1200k? Because my vid a bit over 3 months ago got 1200k in a game, and that was considered high at the time.

Because I don't like playing repeat boards, and April Fool's is coming up, I'd like to have a bit of fun and give people a small challenge. Given that most players can get somewhere between 1m and 2m at lvl 80, and they wanted to figure out how to get those very high scores, I present the following:

NOTE: The following challenge involves cheating (use of speed hacks) to attain the highest theoretical score possible in a game (which can be reproduced in a normal ZB replay).

If you do proceed, I strongly recommend you do NOT save your scores (quit the game immediately after it says 'Zuma' at the end). This challenge is designed to discover the best ways to get high scores for a given board, not to get all the way to the top of the leaderboard.

Challenge: Find a way to get at least 10 5 million points on this board using any means necessary. (3 million for people for lvl 65 and below) You may slow down the game to help complete this challenge. If you do complete it, comment on this post with a link to the video.

Note on Game Slowdown: A separate program is used to do this; there is a link on one of the comments if you want it. Take note: You might have the reflexes of a pro player but you really need a strategy to complete this challenge. (TIP: you will need to set up double gaps on this board.)

Life's a Beach

Following the return from DCON 2011 the last weekend, a new board shows up. Feeling tired and worn from the long trip back home, I needed a break, but couldn't really get one.

I also realize that LSSP was going to be announced, which is the Large Scale Service Project in Virginia, where you're in a hotel and it's on a beach. Just wanted to point that out. Anyways...

TIP: Double gap on 6x/7x multiplier, Normal gap shots before that. The lower curve will roll slightly faster than usual due to its longer path; fruit is harder to get as a result. Consequently treasure chests appear a lot more often (around 1 every 8 games).

Getting double gaps on this board is tricky. For some tips on doing that on this board, see Sliding Gap Rule.

NOTE: Initially when you start the game after midnight today you start with a black screen. Using a debugger shows that the game didn't load a playable map, hence the black screen (and you can't use the reset button to quit either). Early April Fool's, perhaps? (Don't worry, I still have my joke to put over here later on this week.)

EDIT: Several users reported that the game DOES work in Safari. They did load another map b/c of this problem, but it's not the one in the Tiki Talk.

EDIT 2: This map is playable as of Apr 5, 2011.