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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Everday I'm Shufflin

The MRP Division of Circle K was assigned to produce a video for promotional purposes. Both Party Rock Anthem and The Lazy Song are used (with Right Round as the credits).

The video itself was released a bit over a month later on September 21. (NOTE: If for any reason the video doesn't play, I have a alternate download link available.)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Mall Hunt

The first day's events at DSSS (District Summer Service Social) focuses on setting up, doing some service projects (this includes the creation of bookmarks and posters). After some workshops, the main event is the mall scavenger hunt where (with a group of seven people).

During the twenty period of finding all of the stores and a picture next to each one, we managed to get into first.

Status Message: Victory at the DSSS Scavenger Hunt. Good job, guys. (that includes you, Andrew Tom, Christine Bonuel, Stefanie Chow, Mike, Shane, Ruth, Theo, and Shannon.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On The Caravan

You're representing an entire district, there's a lot of people going, and only several drivers. What to do now? Make a plan and form a caravan.

NOTE: I'm starting to experiment with the HDR Toning Feature.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The American River Trail

The title is exactly what this post is about - taken in the American River. I was misled when they said something about a 'beach', and I looked on Google Maps, and there was no apparent beach nearby...

Fiona came up with this particular title, followed by some Oregon Trail jokes, since it involved most of us (not including me) crossing through the river by foot. At this time the river's a bit fast, so if you're not prepared...

Fun Fact: I was faced with a similar situation with crossing a creek during a science camp trip ten years ago - I fell headfirst into the water but got an award later on since I was going through it like 'a pioneer'.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Can Has Camera?

Basically this is Garrett's cat, where he's fairly nice to guests. I normally have trouble when taking pictures of these subjects up close, but this one...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ice Cream (Leatherby Style)

First major event in August for CKI - the Ice Cream social, directly after the soup kitchen event.

As for the ice cream (which is called Leatherby's Ice Cream, if you're buying the ice cream specials ($7+), don't expect it to be a overpriced light meal, it will fill you up.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Service in the Soup Kitchen

Looks like the Fall 2011 pics started a bit early.

This marks the first time I have volunteered working at a soup kitchen (at least for one day, since this location was in another city). Apparently it was much more than just serving soup - it was more of a balanced diet, and there were more people than I originally expected.

In my opinion I actually find the serving food part much better than just sitting around all day during the summer. Lucky for me I was there at a day when it was not as busy - even the lines for volunteers are said to be so long that you can't go through the line more than three times in the time it's open.

There's an event afterward for Circle K the same day, which is the next day's image.