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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Penny Madness

Penny Wars: A fun competition to help raise money. In the realm of Circle K, Penny Wars is serious business, meaning that in order to win, you have to plan beforehand. Or not.

Round 1: Fairly straightforward - see the image to the left.

Round 3: (either I missed a round or they skipped it) - Groups get more aggressive. Golden gate is the only one in the black with the help of a 20 dollar bill. Divisions gang up and flood Golden Gate's jar.

Round 4: All divisions are in the red, with Desert Oasis winning (at -285) and Golden Gate at -21,410 points. SFSU enters rage mode and summons lots and lots of filled penny coin wrappers (they had at least 80 total last time I saw) - and drops them into every other team's jar to even out the playing field (ensuring that Desert Oasis doesn't win the second time.)

Results: $740.32 was raised for Not For Sale. Capital Division (our division) wins. Although the pennies in our division would cut the score close compared to other teams, We had a dollar-filled penny wrapper to ensure the victory.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Winter Came Early

In the middle of FTC, Winter came a lot earlier than expected. What originally was rain turned out into snow (first hours of snow melted as soon as it touched the ground) - ends up with groups singing Christmas songs, making angels, or just playing with it. Including sculpture making.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

In The Snackbar Now

I've always seen people inside the snack bars serving food to people, whether it's during a sports game or in the middle of a play (Hazelton ACT Team's Cinders Play comes to mind). I see what it's like to be in one - busy making (and serving) foods and the occasional shortage of supplies.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Going Up...

Nice house. Even though I came a bit late that I couldn't tour any groups, there were some interesting finds.

(UOP Safe Trick or Treat)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tunneling Trenches

Service Project involves installing water mains (possibly for irrigation purposes) in Auburn Ravine Park. This means digging a mile long trench along the pathway, putting the pipe in, and burying it.

Alternative Title: The Facebook picture version has 'Everyday I'm Shovelin' but not here since I've used that respective meme twice in this imageset.

Friday, October 21, 2011

As a COMP Tutor

Another edition of the 'As a' series, with the other one being a assistant mentor a while back. This one involves helping a friend on a project due later today (Please ignore my screen to the left). Typically the regular tutors for SOECS aren't available on Friday, else they occur during 7pm-11pm.

I wonder if a SI position is open for me at UOP - it could give me the necessary cashflow to attend events.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Folding @ Chambers

More specifically, a folding bike. This, I definitely need. With the problem of theft (UC Berkeley has it worse by people stripping wheels off bikes while they're still chained), having a mobile bike really helps.