It's the day before finals - I'm helping both Tim and Cecilia with review material from COMP 51, and managed to solve a few of their problems they were having. In the end: exhausting, but at least they reported the test wasn't that hard.
It's the day before finals - I'm helping both Tim and Cecilia with review material from COMP 51, and managed to solve a few of their problems they were having. In the end: exhausting, but at least they reported the test wasn't that hard.
Banquet is over, what now? Denny's, of course. If there's ten of us and one of these (dessert books) then this is how we do it.
Production Tree for Space Factory.
Two attempts were made at the game, one to explore all of the parts, and another to find an optimal strategy. Thanks to a bug in the game that raises the cost of laser swords and ray guns exponentially when they are in demand, the factory value peaked at 1.3 million CR by 50 weeks.
NOTE: You are not expected to see this tree as is, a larger version is listed here.
Continue on from there.
The banquet differed slightly from the other years in that it was situated in the Regent's room. The differences didn't stop there however with the introduction of family competition minigames.
(UOP New Membership Installation Banquet)
For some reason I loled at how Kim describes Karok in Vindictus.
Speaking of that, I haven't been on the game for a while - it's due to being unable to find other friends playing it as well as being unable to beat the White Tyrant solo.
I heard from a friend that CKI had their own gaming clan - should find more about it. Or I could resort to playing with lots of 'temporary' allies to get through the storyline...
Usually Black Friday specials occur early in the morning, or at midnight. Today I saw what it was like to be in one of those rushes.
Line for Best Buy in Stockton - at 12:30am when waiting, was approximately 450ft long and took 1hr 15m to go through. (If you're a local, stretches to where the Macy's building starts). Bought stuff at 40% off but I liked the purchase of Mass Effect 2 ($5*) the most.
Sketch Note: I knew from a friend that tents were set up Wednesday night for the tickets and saw a few travel chairs near the mall entrance, with a guitar nearby - It looked like Ry Val from a distance, but whether or not this is actually true it will show up as a sketch for Nov 23's entry. Note since my drawing skills are less than decent, and my cousin Jason Chan (who is a well known artist who creates drawings for various games, including for Magic: The Gathering) estimates at least 50 hours for a decent picture, sketches may show up much later than when they were scheduled to appear.
Thanksgiving returns with a few differences:
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