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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Friday, March 23, 2012


DCON: Day 1. After six hours of driving, we finally made it to our destination, two hours after the official start of the event, missing out on a few intros. Luckily the opening-closing presentations were published online on Facebook.

On one of the cars in the parking lot: "Entering the Grid!"

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Capi-Coast Capture the Flag

Come at me bro.

(Capture The Flag at C^3 (Central + Coast + Capital) - after the game reached a stalemate for over an hour. Later made into a cover photo.)

Objective: Interclub between Central Coast Division and Central Coast. Meet up at Letterman Park in Clovis. The only thing to do is to fix the park up (cover up gopher holes to avoid people tripping over them), painting over any graffiti in the bathrooms, raking leaves and other debris on the ground).

Summary: Capture the Flag game was held between four teams (one for each color), but unfortunately our team was unable to take the other team's flag before the time ran out (was also outnumbered). Dinner afterward at Popeyes. Note the picture between Capital and Central Coast for CTF is a bit misleading.

Meme related: Someone suggested 'Everyday I'm Shovelin' for the shoveling up the gopher holes portion. I however used that before last fall in the trench digging service project (image will appear at DCON). I looked through my pictures for the day, chose this one, and set the caption to my first thought about the image.

Also: This image also seem to go well with the song What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) in the background (especially the chorus)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

24 Hour ZB Post

Some of the ways to advertise the site / guide? Put something interesting like this. Since the timeline look adds posts from fans as well, I'm doing a test as to how many people click on stuff like this within 24 hours before this post gets buried by numerous complaints by users (as well as spam, but that problem seems to be taken care of).

Results: Buried in less than one hour by the following posts. Looks like some people don't want to know the truth about how the professionals play and instead (possibly) flame them for cheating. At least it got the attention of four people who did click on the link.

Facebook's fault, not Popcap - (some) other games won't load either. 
What is up with facebok and Zuma Blitz today!
(picture of profile)
(spam link to free FB credits)
how can you like this frigging game always failing,here it is a new week n stuffed again whoopeeee
loding lemottt
frog keeps jump but game dont load

As a regular user, I don't click on many of the ads and stuff like this that are shown unless I'm interested. Now I'm the person that is serving them, trying to find ways to get more people to view this.

Permalinks: Facebook post / Strategy being linked to

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tetris Stars: 3 Million

1st (or 2nd day) of playing though the Facebook game Tetris Stars. It's been a long time since I've played any Tetris-related game.

Differences: Digging to reach new levels underground (similar to that of Bejeweled 3's Quest Mode), click to drop pieces as well as use of keyboard, level up related rewards.

Tips: Although keyboard controls are available, they are not recommended for use, but you should at least set mouse control to advanced so you get more control as to where you want your pieces to end up. Also, get powers that break up blocks to cause better cascades.

High Scores: After seeing this forum post about the no. 1 high scores, I realized that my original intention of posting what I thought was a high score, at 1.7 million, was nowhere near close. After many attempts, I finally passed that 3 million goal.

With the introduction of the weekly bonus, the high score was pushed to nearly double that amount.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dig-N-Rig Playthrough

Just a 20-minute playthrough / speedrun through the game Dig-N-Rig. I've seen vids of this game, but they take a while to get to the end (around 2 hrs or so), so I'm making this short and simple.

NOTE: The rockets are rather overpowered and tend to work much faster when getting minerals than ordinary drilling.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ngannu Word Forming

Ngannu* is the first thing that I see (other than neon) that can be formed here.

This is during the Crab Feed, while waiting for guests to arrive - this is Cameron's game in Hanging with Friends.

I know, it's not a word, but experiences at UC Davis is causing me to think differently, probably for the better.

Note on Future Postings: For picture blog posts set to a certain date, the date will be set at the time I created the post for the first two weeks, meaning it's the first thing that appears on the blog. After this point, the posts will be set to their intended date.

[Also known as: Davis Reference: Word Forming, but I changed it since I prefer more creative titles as an added bonus for people who do look at the pics section of this blog.]

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chinese New Year Parade

CNYP - Chinese New Year Parade (they didn't do this last year). Featuring a new parade layout.

First thought about this: Too close. But it's like life, progressing from MCHS to UOP in a short lifespan. This makes references to my previous post, where I last visited Pier 39 as a freshman at MCHS. (They were further apart later down the road.)

Also, I wonder why half of the banner is missing (it seems to be folded), but the new MCHS dragon logo looks pimped out.