This is specific to Zuma Blitz but this can be used on any flash game. On a Core2Duo at 2.33Ghz with a standard (Geforce 9700 or better) video card, the game can be recorded smoothly at 20fps.
- Install x264vfw and Hypercam 2 before doing any of the below steps.
- Run Hypercam
- on AVI File tab, set Framerate to 20 (Record), Key frame every 100 frames
- Video compressor: Select x264vfw - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec
- Hit 'configure this compressor', on the left drop down box select Single pass-Quantizer-based, and set the slider to 24. Press OK
- on Sound tab, check 'record sound'
- on Screen Area tab, press select region and (while the game is open) draw an area around the game window (click on the top left of the game screen and then the bottom right of where you want to record)
- Round up the width and height to a multiple of 4
- uncheck 'show rectangle around recorded area'
- check 'Hide hypercam window' (if it's blocking your game screen)
- Before starting the game, hit F2 to begin recording and F2 after the game is over to stop recording.
imo, x264 is the best compressor I've seen: Small file sizes for quick uploads, while having very good quality.
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