Due to the space taken up by these Zuma Blitz replays (including that ones that make it up on Youtube) I had to put some controls on what replays to keep, which to archive, etc. The rules ended up to be the following:
- The top five replays from each category for each board (spirit animal, powers, no powers) will be kept here, the rest will be archived.
- All Zuma Blitz replays recorded must be converted to x264 q32 or better before being archived.
- Replays must be named correctly and have a naming convention attached (see guide.txt on how to name files)
- 150k+ hits on Zuma blitz posts on this blog
- over 150 hours of game time
- 3,626 videos recorded
- 7.3 billion points accumulated total from video replays
- 260+ spirit animal uses
- 19 spirit animal malfunctions (accept spirit animal, takes your mojo, but game fails to start)
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