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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Americana Engine - Into 2016

"Glad to see it's still alive and kicking."

For months I have considered on exiting the game development market; I have previously made future plans on the basis that after my departure from AD, the game was well on its way with a new Kickstarter and a beta out at the end of 2015, with my efforts gone uncredited and my game engine completely unnoticed since its switch over to Unity.

It appears this was not the case, however, and I have chosen to resume production after looking through this month's statistics.

My career as a software developer may very well depend on completion of the game engine (as well as an optional game) and released for others to see; as many companies take working projects into their hiring considerations, I have determined that it is my responsibility to bring usable quality updates on a timely basis if I want even a remote chance at getting hired.

Upcoming in 2016: (not a complete list)

  • Porting to HTML5 - to make it more accessible to web and mobile devices, and also to serve as a means for others to present small demos without requiring the base game.
  • Possible open-source release on GitHub
  • Customizable GUI (what kind of information you can get, however, will be limited)
  • Project Website adjustments

Other Notes:

  • I have planned from the beginning to make the engine open-sourced; By allowing others to find and fix various issues related to the engine, I can instead focus on new features. Although I have done testing on the engine myself, there's bound to be some errors. Most of the code will be ported from the original C++ game engine (which I will not release its source code due to some potential copyright issues contained within).
  • I will probably unprotect my Twitter after two years of being inactive. I suppose I will get more spam than quality followers, but this is probably my best option to communicate in general and worse things can happen if I kept things as they were.
  • For the game itself, I'm going to need a lot of art assets. Without funding, I'll most likely be finding art styles that more closely reflects the TLG-era of development and attempting to recreate them. I am assessing several potential sources and will update later.