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Current Projects: Americana Engine (Game Engine Development)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Evolution of Leaderboards: Product Development

Many weeks ago (as early as last year), several players decided to step it up and create their own leaderboards based off their high score tables, and eventually groups had players designed to gather scores of players who wished to participate in the group leaderboard, since the board was for friends only. Fast forward to December - my definition of 'leaderboard' was taken a step further when the friend requirement was dismissed with the introduction of a true 'top 200' leaderboard as proof of concept as first, then a regular recurring series after many positive reactions.

I do it mainly to satisfy the needs of the players who want to know how they rank up. But honestly, it seems more like product development.

Prior to the creation of the board, I was looking through posts on forums and this group and discovered that several people were interested in a group-wide or national leaderboard. I went out to develop something that would solve this problem, as well as bypass the 'top 50' on a local leaderboard.

Above, we have the comparison of the first leaderboard that was hosted on this blog with the discovery of the score parser (basically, this is what it actually does - take raw bits of information and parses them into readable data players can interpret easily). More tweaks were made and released on Facebook to my ZB friends for feedback.

A week later the leaderboard went live on the official add me group, with mostly positive feedback, but several had concerns about how this data was retrieved, which was answered. I later went on to add a few more features that I determined might be helpful such as person's level (in order to show true skill as mastery levels weren't factored into score) and general score statistics. One additional feature, ranking arrows, were planned for release next week, but I'll let the viewers decide that change.

A side note on stats: there is a field not listed here called "Percent of Scores Over" - I like stats like this, but it can also be used to determine approximate board difficulty (how easy it is to get points) - a peak on lower level scores (like over 500K or 1M) may indicate the board is easy, peaks on scores lower than this might indicate the board is harder, and low minimum score percents can indicate that difficult multiple-gap techniques might be in play on this board. This can be used as a baseline to determine if a unique (possibly user-created) board has the potential be used again.

The snowpocalypse board had for minimum scores 74-54-45-25 for position 10, 30, 50, and 100th place for the group respectively in terms of percentage of the top score on the board. This indicates that speed and luck (time balls) was more prevalent than skill. Major Mouthful, on the other hand, has 53-38-28-14. This represents that a high scoring technique was more likely used than just speed (in this case a double gap strat was used here).

What can I summarize about making this board? If this was a product in development, it's going through its incremental cycle right now.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Replay Cleanup

Due to the space taken up by these Zuma Blitz replays (including that ones that make it up on Youtube) I had to put some controls on what replays to keep, which to archive, etc. The rules ended up to be the following:

  • The top five replays from each category for each board (spirit animal, powers, no powers) will be kept here, the rest will be archived.
  • All Zuma Blitz replays recorded must be converted to x264 q32 or better before being archived.
  • Replays must be named correctly and have a naming convention attached (see guide.txt on how to name files)
Fun Fact: In the one year that I've hosted this blog about Zuma Blitz, I've accumulated
  • 150k+ hits on Zuma blitz posts on this blog
  • over 150 hours of game time
  • 3,626 videos recorded
  • 7.3 billion points accumulated total from video replays
  • 260+ spirit animal uses
  • 19 spirit animal malfunctions (accept spirit animal, takes your mojo, but game fails to start)

Rosebowl Parade

I woke up to this rose bowl parade. I knew about the other ones, but didn't bother seeing them, but I paid attention to this one. Why? Someone I knew was there - it was Brett Butler, the District Governor of CNH Circle K. The float that I would have possibly helped with should I have went down there for Go West, but wasn't able to attend - it's 300 miles to get over there, and last year was because of no-interest (no one else felt like going down), and this year was a no-ride available.

I look through my older posts, some were long with no picture. Recent pictures were all picture few words - why not try both?

And thus begins the week of (possibly unnecessary) backstories trying to explain a picture or diagram as much as possible.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

With the new year comes in many resolutions. I have my own share, and despite not having a pic for this post, a few of them are:

  • renew friendship with a Sac State student
  • post more content on FB with the "get x friends" goal completed.
  • Successful hangout with a MCHS class of 09 student currently living at SF
  • Get half of artwork done for Spring 2011 image set (120 pictures) - Known as Fall 2011 in Pics Extended Version.
  • Find a job
  • Ride a bike, get a car, etc. Anything to prevent me from being stuck at UOP for up to five hours a day due to lack of transportation. (Finding a bus route didn't help much either)
  • Get A's in all classes.
  • Finish those Day Zero projects (after all, time flies quickly, and this is the last semester before those 1001 days are up.

Note that I didn't call out explicit names, so don't assume anyone.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fired Up

GK Mongolian BBQ - one of the places that we went to for a MCHS Reunion Lunch, class of 2008.

Stuff that you might like: Ability to choose your meat, sauce, amount of noodles, and various toppings and have it made in the oven (see above) - and it's actually pretty good to be worth going a second time. Costs 7.51 (with tax).

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Star Lost Speedrun

Merry Christmas, everyone! *or Happy Holidays, if you're celebrating something different.

Even though it's Christmas today, my family got together yesterday, so I still have time to get a quick vid up for a game released two days ago, Star Lost.

In under eight minutes.

Even though it might be helpful to upgrade your ship with all that stuff, it isn't actually required to win.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beginning of Winter

Today marks the beginning of the Winter (at least in the US, according to Wikipedia) - hope you all have a good winter break!

Also, due to not enough people in the area seeing the previous Fall Picture album, I've decided to do an extended version by pushing it towards spring (it still retains the Fall labeling however)

Image: Taken during FTC (See the image on Facebook for a full caption of the image)